New advocacy group wants ‘bold action’ from Portland’s elected leaders
The new People for Portland nonprofit advocacy group was co-founded by two consultants usually on opposite sides of political causes. Dan Lavey and Kevin Looper are calling for “bold action” from the city government to house people living outside, clean up city streets and fund public safety, including non-police response to some emergencies. They say these objectives are not political but practical. Levy and Looper join us to give us more details about these goals and how they want to accomplish them.
Dear elected officials —
It’s time to make the changes offered by People for Portland. I love our city. I have compassion for those living on our streets and in our parks. I respect those who are sworn to protect us. I respect elected officials who dare to serve us. It’s time for all of us to act – collectively and effectively – for the common good and for the present and future of our city.