Wheeler hopes to rehire 100 recently retired officers
Mayor Ted Wheeler said he hopes to rehire 100 retired Portland Police Officers amid this record year for homicides.
Wheeler had several ideas to stem gun violence and said it’s his top priority. He talked about re-investing in Portland Police, with more accountability and oversight. He also said he wanted to see additional dollars directed to the bureau.
In a one-on-one interview with KOIN 6 News he said, “The overall strategy is the three R’s. It’s reform like the FIT. It’s about refocusing, we have a shortage of police.”
I don’t need to send a video, but I do want to send my cry for help. We need the Portland police back to full force to protect and serve our city. I’m a life-long native, living in the SE area 47 years. The criminals are taking advantage of this decrease of police and crime has been spreading throughout Portland. Its getting so bad in Portland, I swear I’m suffering from mental depression and anxiety. Please make it a priority to hire police officers NOW to make our neighborhoods safe again. Now, not later. I beg of you to refund the Portland Police. I love my city, I love my home and my neighborhood. I never considered paying for a home alarm system until this year. I’m actually researching other cities in Oregon I would feel safe to move to. All because we don’t have enough police to keep my neighborhood safe any longer. I may actually sell my lovely home. Its heartbreaking, but I don’t want to live in fear! Its not fair to the police who are still working, fighting hard!!! God bless those brave officers who fight an unfair challenge each day while YOU are choosing NOT providing backup. Shame on you for ever deciding to reduce the adequate amount of peace keepers to protect the citizens of this beautiful city!! I’m disgusted!!